Sunday, July 24, 2016

Like crazy!


- I like "maminhas" like crazy!

#tumtumLife #ommmmmmamma

Friday, July 22, 2016

I am sad also...

What is behind a child that is upset, hits, throws, says unkind words...? 

Ask, investigate, listen, be a detective, the child will give you the answer...

- No! I don't want you to be smiling.
- You don't want me to be smiling...?
- No. I don't want you to be happy, I want you to be sad... (Low voice) cause I am sad also...


"Maminhas" love


- Mama you going swimming pool?
- No, I go to the beach! Wanna come?
- No... I stay with papa.
- Ok, see you later. 
- Mama?
- Yes.
- Let me see "maminhas" (opens my dress) maminhas, I will miss you!!! (Big kisses)

... Oh #tumtumLife, #ommmmmmamma


Na estação ao pé da praia:

- uah!! Senhora não é portuguesa, pois não?
- sou.
- aaaah...? Mas, quantos anos tem ele?
- tem três.
- Ah!? Mas é grande para estar a mamar! aqui em Portugal portuguesas não dão de mamar assim. Lá em cabo verde nós dávamos, até quatro anos de idade, às vezes mais! Mas aqui não... Máximo dois... Isso é bom, assim.
- sim... Eu sei, há algumas pessoas que dão, sabe, nós estamos a aprender com vocês como se faz, estamos a lembrar-nos do que é melhor para eles.
- Ah... Isso sim.. (Sorriso)


Be you

Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren’t your problem. You stay kind, committed to love, and free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, don’t you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. Just keep on shining like you do. 

~ Scott Stabile



I am a mother.

I can cancel plans because of teething and change meetings after a night of bad dreams. 
I postponed work, projects, and a few dreams.
I have changed route, clothes, country... Priorities, because of my son (should I say "thanks to my son"?!)
I had interviews interrupted a dozen times (because of the toy car that broke, the ice cream that melted, the sipping cup that was empty...), and I was LIVE trough Skype calls, breastfeeding.
I have said "no" to dinner out or to programs that do not include my son. 

It is my choice.
It is not a shame, a burden, a limitation, a drama... It is a choice. One I am proud of.

I have joined meltdowns and cried together. 
I have helped my son as much as he has helped me. To trust, to try again, to share how we feel inside, to process angers and frustrations - we do it together. He helps me, I help him - we are a team.

Why? Because I want to Be a Mother. I choose this path, and I savour every minute, I hug every tantrum, I nourish every need for touch, lap, and mother's milk. 

I will continue to book, plan, project and dream... with this team. 

I am grateful to all that share the same path, and let me know I am not alone.

Love, love from me, during this New Moon energy times <3



Monday, July 4, 2016

I Want a party


- what do you want for breakfast?
- I want... A party!!!!

#tumtum, 3 years old
#tumtumLife, #ommmmmmamma, making my Heart go tumtum