Monday, March 28, 2016

You are his safe place

And during those days the breastfeeding seams non-stop, the cuddling too demanding and the continuos soothing of your baby impossible... repeat to yourself what an honor it is to be someone's safe place <3


Saturday, March 26, 2016

No fear or shame

No fear or shame to admit the last couple of days have been hard to manage.
No fear or shame to admit I cried, more than once.
This too shall pass #ommmmmmamma, no fear or shame to admit... I have no more inspiration to share today... Maybe, we can cry together...?
My imperfect me.

Friday, March 11, 2016

You will feel guilty... Of course

Being a mother is also this loneliness... Siting in the dark, after the whole house goes quiet, whispering to yourself... "I have failed today".

Of course some days you are going to loose it. You will feel guilty for sure, and you will melt with love and get scared at the same time on how fragile, vulnerable, delicate and absolutely magical his body feels when he...

You will feel overwhelmed on how deep it will touch old wounds when he just says "I am sorry mama" and how much, like never before, you will crave his "I love you"...

You will surprisingly fall in love deeper during the most challenging times.

Fall in love with yourself also, isn't it beautiful how fragile you both are? 
Mother and Son, practicing just Being, together.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Yoga Party

Celebration time is inspiration time

How do you bring celebration to your children's lives?
How do you honour birthdays, family parties, religious events, solstice times and change of seasons?

It doesn't have to be a "ritual", complicated or expensive to prepare or attend. It can be... A yoga party!
Why not? We just hosted our first one for #tumtum 's 3rd birthday. We made our own animal yoga sequence to share with the group, and you can make yours! We offered yoga mats and had a colouring corner with yoga inspired images. We had chai and cake, yogis need cake! It was so much fun!

Share your, celebration inspirations #ommmmmmamma

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Being a mother is a spiritual path

Playing in the floor with my son my siting practice; 
Responding with kindness to crankiness and toddler tantrums (even some hitting and screaming once in a while) is my Metta meditation;
Being present to potty time as much as for laugher my toughest lesson;
To observe without judging is my daily challenge;
To breathe deeply before anger, irritability and annoyance manifest themselves my life goal...

I have been feeling disconnected from this practice lately... Been feeling overwhelmed and trapped in the intensity of motherhood... I am now a mother for three years and I am learning to accept my enthusiasm together with my limitations. I am not excited about the tasks of motherhood every moment of my day. And that is ok. To acknowledge this is to fully embrace this path...

I will be kind to myself today, I will be loving to my child today, even if my head aches.
I will be free from fear to be missing out in "life", even if the world and "my projects" call my name... I will rest knowing this moment is enough. This moment my son sleeps and I write. Already far from our crying/ screaming disagreement from this morning...

We are safe.
We are loved.
We are enough.

We got this!

With love,


Image from Sofia Mota <3