Saturday, January 30, 2016

Yoga is...

Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul.
~ B.K.S. Iyengar


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tree love

We were going straight home, when he tells me, "mama let's go this way. Trees is much more beautiful way"... 
Yes, he is so right, trees, like my son, deserve every detour <3 



Thursday, January 21, 2016

Women circles

"In the native American tradition if you wanted to destroy a village you simply destroyed the Moon Lodge – the place where the woman gathered every new moon to intuit insight to govern the tribe. So it stands to reason that the fastest way to rebuild our global village is to re-instate the tradition of the Moon Lodge or Red Tent.”
 ~ Tanishka

Full Moon will be shining tomorrow, are you gathering your sisters?


Image from Hanna Skylar during Sacred Doula training

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Breastfeeding meditation

Did you know your thoughts shape the energy field around you, every moment of your life?
Did you know mindfulness is a practice you can bring to all parts of your day?

Have you thought about it? What if those activities you repeat every day like routines could be filled with meaning and transformed into... Rituals? Strong, sacred, healing rituals... Think about it... Breastfeeding for instance, is a big part of my days, I often do it - I take this time to meditate.
You can just close your eyes and enjoy the silence...;
You can focus on your breath and tune into your senses... the warmth of your baby's body against yours, the hot sun on your face or the cool breeze in your hair...; 
You can choose words and create affirmations for you and your child, honouring your connection...

These are some of my favourite ones:
I am abundant...
I nourish my son, not only with my milk but with my thoughts, my dreams, my vision...
My milk carries my magic...
I am healthy, I am safe, I am loved.

Share yours, #ommmmmmamma


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Speak up

To be a mother is to have a voice.
You might find that since you have become one your voice is louder, stronger, sometimes even surprising yourself how brave and somehow... Simple, the words come out of your mouth. 
It is ok, don't be afraid of your truth, how deep and... new, your world might sound now.
Because you know... You ARE new, now.
And the voice of your children, the ones you welcomed heart-side or the ones you still carry in the womb, speak trough you. 

So you might often find that you get new insights for things, even having prophetic dreams or out of this world visions. Yes, do not be afraid to welcome this into your life.

More than ever, think of yourself, pursue your dreams, love who you are, take care of your garden and your needs. Above all follow your vision, the one you feel blooming so beautifully now. 
This is the "sacrifice" we need to do as mothers... To speak our truth, even if it hurts... a family member, a friend, a partner.

Remember that to give birth is a rite of passage, and motherhood is a path filled with deep wisdom revealed often in the everyday life events - always honour that, and speak.

And do not fear the critics, you will be criticised. Remember: it is ok to live a life others do not understand.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Give hugs

Yes, toddlerhood is not all roses...;
Yes, we had long, challenging, tantrum times;
yes I have been kicked during but I always (OK, almost always..) gave a hug... 

I say to help tantrums tantrums tantrums, give hugs, hugs, hugs.

It seams like "it's not working", many times it seams that way but then... then the time comes when your son is going tantrum, and runs from the other side of the room, into your arms, crying:

- I need a hug!!

And you know, 
You did
Something right.

#tumtumLife makes me happy 
#ommmmmmamma heart going #tumtum


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Music magic

When I have a hard time being present spending time with my child I play the music playlist that I use for my yoga practice. It instantly brings me back to centre.
Music works like this... by listening to the sounds that helped you before to relax, to ground, to meditate, to rest, you help your mind and body to go back to that same state.

Enjoy this #meditationForMothers, #ommmmmmamma

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sacred life

Be whole in every little task you do.
Be present in every moment of your day.
Honour what your life is made of, the feelings of sadness together with the ones of joy - honour them. 
Do not fear the boredom or the anger.
Know that no moment is empty, no gesture is unimportant.

Use all your tasks to your advantage and, living them fully, make it your meditation.

Like when you are traveling, you know? And every detail is worthy of a picture. Or when you are performing on stage, and every stare, step or word is carefully chosen and ritualistically executed, because it is so full of meaning. 

And when you clean the house for instance, I mean, when you have small children and you clean the house try not to hurry this time, and don't get attached to a specific result, stuck with an expectation of getting things tidy, clean, under control...
Just clean, with all your heart, and try to enjoy it.

Have you heard of the colourful sand mandala meditation? There are Buddhist monks that dedicate their time to create amazing mandalas, with intricate patterns and elaborate colour compositions made only with sand! Yes, these are breathtaking works of art than can be so big they cover the whole of the temple floor. And do you know what happens when the work is finished? One of the monks comes and... Sweeps it... With just an ordinary broom...

Be open to accept this sacredness into your daily life as a mother... 
Your home is that awesome palace you visited once, your family the Gods in those altars you saw (and maybe for a moment even worshiped).
Remember... Your life is made of small miracles... Sometimes happening so very fast.

Happy #meditationForMothers, #ommmmmmamma

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Believe in magic

Is your child afraid of the dark? Does he suffer from night terrors, does she "see monsters" often and is afraid to turn of the light at night?

Today take some time to sit down with your child and create a "no-monsters light". Buy a lamp for this purpose, or use your imagination, let them be part of the process, and depending on their age, what the fear is about, and the creativity flowing, make any kind of device of light that can keep the fears away.

Keep this special magic light in the bedroom, or make a small one (decorating a torch for instance) that he can carry in his pocket if he is afraid of the bus tunnels, the subway dark areas or the train shadows...

Create a little ritual, a song or just a word that you use when you turn it on, activating the magic! You will be surprised how easy it is for them to integrate this!

These fears are part of their development and some people will just tell you they will grow out of it, simply. But why not use this phase to support them to create their own magical powers?

Aren't those powers the same kind many believe a dream catcher holds? Or a special amulet, an image, a prayer... 
And think about it, what do YOU use when you are afraid? Share that with your little one, instead of just repeat a "no reason to be afraid" mantra...
What I mean is that an object (or routine) that can be reassuring for them (and you) will definitely help. 
So go, create the "magic flashlight" with them, and share that if we do believe in it, it does, have the magical power to keep away monsters, fears or nightmares.
It is dreamland, ommmmmmammas - whatever we believe works!

The truth is that things DO hold the power we wish to give them. And if this is hard to believe for many of grownups, it's pretty simple for kids :-)

Bring your inner child to this game and... Enjoy!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Singing meditation

Mantra for the new year... Hangover from family celebrations...

A #meditationForMothers doesn't have to happen with prayer mudra, can be a song, a poem, any uplifting words... I love these...

I am light, I am light...

I am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside

I am light...

I'm not the mistakes that I have made or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind

I am light, I am light

I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age, I am not my race, my soul inside is all light

All light, all light
I am light, I am light

I am divinity defined
I am the God on the inside
I am a star, a piece of it all
I am light...
~ India Arie

Today just let these words sink in.

Oh and sing at loud, let your child listen, tell her... She (or he) is also... LIGHT.

With love,