Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You have done something great

I don't know why but last night, just before bed, that post-partum feeling came to me. 
That amazing feeling of having done something great. 
The feeling of loving my body so deeply (even the squishy immediate after birth tummy, how I loved that!). 
The feeling of gratitude, of deep love. Of true, pure excitement to meet my son, the one I always knew inside my heart and later inside my body, now trough touch, smell, and long, long deep breaths. 
The feeling of warmth inside my heart and of a delicate time unfolding in front of me.

Motherhood is a complex path, made of many mixed feelings, but I did not lost this one: I have done something great.
This feeling lasted since pregnancy, when labour started, during birth, post-partum, and up until now.

Every mother deserves This!

Remember, you have done something great #ommmmmmamma

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Trust your little master

Today I was upset, I was annoyed, almost angry...
It was way past nap time and little #tumtum still jumping on my lap and resisting sleep... Some days this is just the ultimate drama feeling on my stay at home mama life! Nap time is the time when I work uninterrupted, or stretch for 20 min yoga, or... have a nap myself, or manage a 15min meditation or... Have a cup of coffee by myself... 
No, no, no! I need it! It's not negotiable! It's sacred Nap time!!!

- love, let's go to sleep, it's nap time, please. 
- mama... It's ok... Come here, look outside (goes to the window) look outside, it's morning, sun woke up so early (always says this!), it's not dark! It's morning. Let's play.
- no, I am not going to play. Come, lye down and close your eyes! I am getting upset now!
- mama - smoothest voice ever - I want to give you "beijinho"; come and play with me, you will feel better.
- no, no (I don't want to feel better! Mama going tantrum...) we go to sleep NOW.
- why not? Mama why not? we play, let's be friends. You want to go outside? (holds my face between his hands and looks straight into my eyes, his kinda grey/ kinda green/ kinda hazel brown eyes... Hypnotic) we can go outside to feel better. Come.

I did. He was right. Felt better.

Oooooh #tumtumMaster
