Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Celebration time

Family gatherings
To do lists...
Social agenda 
Change of routines...

The season is here. The cocktail that can really test your #ommmmmmammaMothering way of life... What to do?

Say "no". Feel free to refuse unwanted invitations, inadequate gifts (for your child for instance) or toxic foods (toxic people and toxic talks included!). 
Just politely refuse. Even if it is "delicious", "traditional", "just a sip", "won't kill you", "a
must do", "just once a year", a "habit", a "ritual", a "local costume", a "family thing"... If it does not resonate with you - refuse.
Remember saying "no" to others can be needed to say "yes" to yourself.

As a mother you may find that these moments require you to be stronger setting boundaries, because you are now doing it also for another person...
Respect your child's needs and the way he (wisely) selects what he wants and refuses what doesn't make him feel good (don't take it personally, just listen to his cry, his words, his body language). Respect his physical and emotional space just the way he draws it, not judging it.

Bare in mind this is the season for overstimulation (the bright colours, the loud noises, the new faces, the heavy food and drinks...) and you (both) might need extra rest or just dedicate more time to your "empty mind" time. It might be hard to do so but do not skip your yoga and meditation practice at this time... or... mindfully replace it for activities that will bring you the same kind of blissful feeling: try going for walks in nature for instance, do relaxing colouring or spend time with animals (all of these are good to do with the rest of the family of course).

If you need, spend some time by yourself, and time alone with your child (yes, hide if you must!). And if routines get really disturbed (specially if you travel and stay at a new, unfamiliar place) choose a few simple grounding activities to do everyday, and stick to them during the holiday season, creating new safe space for you and your child to feel balanced, calm, free. 

Enjoy celebration time! Have no fear to do it YOUR way, the way you believe is BEST for you and for your child.
And no matter how many opinions you may hear (yes, you will probably hear many!) never forget: your baby choose you. You are ENOUGH. (You have no idea how enough you are!)
Wishing you much Love and Ease,


Saturday, December 19, 2015


Yes, there will be chaos.
Yes, things around you will fall apart.
You? Keep your balance (it happens inside).



Take your children traveling. Long trips, short rides, walk in your neighborhood or road trip around the world... but go, move, and be open to endless adventures.

Travel is still the most intense mode of learning.
~ Kevin Kelly


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Breastfeeding in India II

"So how do you do it? Breastfeeding in India?"

It is challenging I say, challenging for the mind mostly, as the bodies are always ready to follow their needs...
I am always stared at here, and there is a constant feel of... Being in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing. 

But I do realize this feeling lives mostly inside of me, and a deep trip within helps me to focus on what is important and stand up for that. As for some tips? The Indian culture is quite... special on the concept of privacy... and this as troubled me for years... but now? Now I know how to do it, YOU create your private spot, you draw the line... the world.. the world adjusts.

I love the curtains most doors have in India... I do not feel I have to hide to breastfeed, but I do like to have a quiet place to do so, These, are perfect <3

Have you read my writing published for the FIRST TIME at PINK PANGEA? Yap, breastfeed around the world!
"This is a fascinating article and filled with so much wonderful strength and conviction. Kudos to you for doing what you know is right for you and your child. We're thrilled to share the article on Pink Pangea."
~ Rachel Sales

Karma yoga

It often happens that once in India the yoga I most practice is the one out of the yoga mat... Today it was the first day I played yoga for the camera...

... but the days have been filled with Karma... Karma Yoga... selfless... action...


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Simple meditation

"So how do you do it? Meditating with a toddler?"

It might all seam impossible, to have time to sit still or in silence, but truly, the meditative mind does need a specific place or a special sound... It needs... A focus, nothing but an openness to just be, present, here.

 Activities that can help to focus in the present Moment?

Flowers, we got to make mandalas...
Animals, we bought to set free...
Fun... Time we spent together.



Breastfeeding in India

"So how do you do it? Breastfeeding in India?"

It is challenging I say, challenging for the mind mostly, as the bodies are always ready to follow their needs...
I am always stared at here, and there is a constant feel of... Being in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing. 
But I do realize this feeling lives mostly inside of me, and a deep trip within helps me to focus on what is important and stand up for that. As for some tips? I love the long scarfs women wear in India, I make little tuctuc curtains for a little bit... Just a little bit more privacy ;-)


Have you read my writing published for the FIRST TIME at PINK PANGEA? Yap, breastfeed around the world!

"This is a fascinating article and filled with so much wonderful strength and conviction. Kudos to you for doing what you know is right for you and your child. We're thrilled to share the article on Pink Pangea."
~ Rachel Sales


Monday, November 23, 2015


#ommmmmmamma is going to India

For many people the word India means peace, spirituality, yoga... A truly shanti way of life. But in fact... It is not always like that. The aggressive crowds, the loud noises, the thin layer of dust covering everything, the hot spices, the heat... many times make our times in India... Challenging. Very challenging. But you know the zen proverb: no mud, no lotus? Yes, this "out of the comfort zone" times in India often bring unexpected and deep deep spiritual awakenings. Yoga is your daily life, mama!
So India here we go! We are ready!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Celebrate the small steps...

When you are really frustrated with your child, today, and yesterday, and the day before... For some time now... have you sit back to wonder.. Maybe you asking for too much at this moment? Maybe too much for his age, or not considering a trip that just took place, or an enormous milestone (do we forget these and how scary they can be?), or change in the weather, in a routine... Or a full moon? Do we sometimes forget that teething is scary, separation from mother creates anxiety, dark can be unknow and specially that a cry for Love can have many shapes?

Today accept the tantrums, do not judge your child, do not blame yourself... just celebrate your small victories. Remember how every single day is so full of them.
Only this.

Yes, it's been tantrum season at #tumtumLife...


Friday, November 20, 2015

Relato de parto


Com amor.
Relato de ritual de iniciação - a maternidade!

Imagem: em trabalho de parto activo, na praia.

Querido tumtum (este não é o nome real do meu filho, mas foi assim que sempre o chamei, por causa do som do seu coração dentro de mim tumtum tumtum tumtum <3).

Nesse dia eu sabia que tu chegavas. Porquê? Porque tu falaste comigo, como falavas sempre que eu te pedia para te mexeres. Ou porque estava no CTG e não queria ficar lá muito tempo, ou porque estava preocupada de "não te sentir", porque a tua posição era desconfortável para mim, e te pedia para mudares, porque... Porque sou tua mãe. E as mães e os filhos, como toda a gente sabe - falam!

Eu quero recontar o meu parto.
Eu quero falar sobre aquele momento em que deixando nascer, nascemos também.
Eu sempre ouvi dizer, e gostei da ideia, de "dar à luz" ser como um renascimento e apreciava a poesia desta acção mas... desde que tive o meu filho que sei que não é poesia! É verdade! Renascemos mesmo!
Eu sempre senti o meu filho, desde o momento da concepção (sim, eu senti!), até ao dia do parto em que eu, "cheia" como uma Lua, sentia um filho calmo e pronto para sair.

Posso contar e recontar como quiser este dia, mas há quatro frases que tenho de referir sempre: 

O "ok, tell me, what do I need to know?" do pai quando percebeu que o momento tinha chegado (e se preparava para perguntar ao Google o que fazer ;);
A frase "já está em trabalho de parto activo, não quer ir para a praia?" da enfermeira Madruga que me recebeu no HSB;
E a "lemos o seu plano de parto e sabemos tudo como deseja que aconteça mas agora, neste momento, eu gostava de saber, o que é mais importante para si", que a enfermeira Maria João me perguntou mesmo antes de eu entrar na piscina;
E a frase "agora a Joana vai virar-se, deitar-se sobre o pai, para receber o seu bebé" dito com toda a calma pela enfermeira Celeste Varela no momento da expulsão.

Posso recontar como quiser mas há alguns gestos e sensações que não consigo esquecer:

O lençol que uma das enfermeiras me deu para estender no chão, quando percebeu que eu andava a fazer a dilatação pelos corredores e o que me dava mais conforto era ficar de gatas;
A sensação morna da água, onde me sentei nua, que aliviou de imediato a minha dor e me fez sentir grande, leve, livre.
O abraço que eu e o meu marido dávamos quando as contrações eram mais fortes e ele perguntava "what can I do, love?";
As mãos fortes de uma enfermeira (soubesse eu o nome!) que se sentou á minha frente e disse "Joana, agora chegou mesmo a hora de fazer força, comigo!";
As mãos sempre suaves, quase imperceptíveis da enfermeira Celeste;
O cabelo do meu filho nas minhas mãos quando o toquei pela primeira vez, ainda qdentro de mim;
A sensação de ter presenças perto de mim. Dizem que quando parimos nunca estamos sozinhas, mas sempre acompanhadas de todas as parideiras, de todos os tempos. E elas vieram, eu sei;
E a sensação absolutamente poderosa de sentir o corpo do meu bebé a sair de dentro de mim, todo o corpo (depois de a cabeça ter saído há algum tempo) do meu filho que escorregou para fora de mim, abrindo zonas do meu corpo e do meu ser até aí fechadas, fazendo a minha anca DANÇAR! Sacudida assim com o seu tamanho!

Posso recontar como quiser mas há sons que não me posso esquecer:
O som do mar, quando fui à praia;
O som das músicas que escolhi para ouvir - e que uma enfermeira me lembrou que podia tocar - e o som da minha própria voz a cantar. Sim, eu dei à luz a cantar o mantra Gayatri. Não estava nos meus planos cantar, mas os mantras foram feitos para isso mesmo, para auxiliar e potenciar a respiração e o estado de meditação que pode vir com isso. E eu respirei cada frase desta música com todo o meu corpo, e sei que o meu bebé, na sua rotação suave, que eu sentia tão forte na minha virilha esquerda, ajustando o seu corpo ao meu, mais e mais próximo dos meus braços, sei que ele sorria "a minha mãe canta!";
Lembro-me da palavra que eu dizia para o meu corpo "ABRE".
Posso contar como quiser mas tenho de falar dos sabores... Do sabor da gelatina que comi sentada na água, sorrindo entre contracções, "why can't I have one?" dizia o pai;
Do sabor da água, meio doce, que entrou na minha boca quando passei a mão pela cabeça para aliviar o calor.

Posso contar e recontar mas há imagens que não desaparecem:
A visão de mar, na praia;
O cartaz com um bebé a nascer dentro de água, no hospital;
A visão tão familiar de uma enorme bola azul, igual à minha, debaixo do duche;
A visão do meu marido a chegar à piscina em roupão branco como se fosse para um SPA;
A visão - que era mais uma sensação, porque eu pouco "via" neste momento do parto - de tantas caras na sala comigo, e a voz que me dizia "estamos muitas aqui, se quiser saímos, vieram por causa da música, outras de turnos anteriores não conseguiram sair";
E a visão mais do que mágica, a visão divina do tumtum assim, nu e inteiro, ainda debaixo de água!
Foi como se... Como se eu tivesse viajado assim para o mundo dele, percebem?
Os seres antes de passarem para este lado do mundo vivem uma existência paralela, num elemento tão diferente do nosso, com sons contínuos e iluminados apenas de sombras, um mundo paralelo que eu partilhei por alguns segundos. Enquanto eu e o meu bebé sentados na mesma água há um encontro "half way" do mundo dele e do meu... Percebes? Isto é para lá de mágico!

Este foi o meu dia, 7 horas e meia de encontro até sentir o tumtum no meu peito, até eu cortar o cordão umbilical - o meu marido não o queria fazer "me? No, it is not for me to cut them appart" - dizendo "meu querido filho, estás agora livre, já não me pertences mais". Até parir a minha placenta, até serem recolhidas as células estaminais e eu ser observada, e ir à casa de banho (por meu próprio pé) e... Pela primeira vez dar de mamar... E sempre que mamas no meu peito, é como ter-te de volta, tumtum, passaram quase três anos, e é sempre assim que nos aproximamos. Agora dormes, no meu peito, este relato vou-to oferecer.

Tumtum tumtum 
Eu sabia que tu ias chegar.
Porque sonhei contigo.

(Relato de parto de #ommmmmmamma primeiramente publicado aqui:


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Collecting seeds meditation


I watch the children interacting at the playground. Two of them going for the slide, paths crossing, they look each other in the eyes, the boy throws a loud roar, like a lion; the little girl lifts her hand up in a mix of greeting and threat.
Oh the toddler days... I keep finding new needs and also new shapes for energy, for tension, for frustration, for love... And I find that one thing that does work, when energies get loud, strong, unpredictable, is changing activities, and balancing more physical activity with attention to detail.

 When we go outside we love to take our shoes off (because it's grounding), and run on the grass to look for flowers (specially in the winter, as they are harder to find), and among the plants and leafs we always find: seeds. I do not hide my enthusiasm "look, it's a sEED!!" as seeds are, indeed, tiny treasures from Mother Nature. So we gather seeds together, and we often display them on the floor, many times attracting other children to do the same. We make seed collections, organized by shape, size or color. We admire each pointy side, we caress the soft centers, we take them home, we offer them to new friends or mail them to faraway places. We are seed lovers, it's a meditation. 

And yes, I love the awareness it brings to me, "this tiny seed will be a pine tree one day", I look at my son, he is also...  growing tall and strong. I caress is soft center, I accept his pointy sides...


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


During a walk or while your child naps... 

When do you, find time for yoga, #ommmmmmamma?


Life is flowing…
Moment to moment…
Flow with it,
And be sheltered from the hassles
Of time and space.
Life is full of Power…
Live it…
From breath…
To breath!
~ Yogi Bhajan

Grateful for the images Sofia Mota <3


Saturday, November 14, 2015


Everyone needs to feel grounded, specially mothers! The life in big cities, the crowds, the loud noises... the constant changes we face, the lack of routines and sleep... many times eating an unbalanced diet, and so often lost with excessive worry, can make us fell spaced out. 
Meditation can be very helpful but mothers might find it hard (or even impossible) to sit still for this practice, and this can make you think you "cannot meditate". You can. Meditation can happen in many different scenarios and there are endless possibilities!

I find that walking with bare feet among trees can be a great activity, and specially because it is a meditation you can do with the whole family and is beneficial for all. If you fell that stress, fear and negativity are very present in your life right now take this step to release these lower vibrations.

Today take a walk in nature and just be mindful of your breath.
Maybe after a while you are in the mood to sit by a tree, or even hug one, this in itself is profoundly healing and you can safely surrender all your worries in this hug, trusting Mother Earth will transform it all. 
You may find that your breathe almost instantly becomes slower, deeper, more relaxed.
During this time in nature imagine your own feet growing roots, and these roots sinking deep inside the Earth, meeting the ones from the trees.
Realize you are part of this big, strong, grounded community of nature beings.
Feel you are part of Mother Nature, abundant, safe, full of bliss. Gently guide your children to do the same, and make it playful: copy the trees, standing tall and still, add some yoga poses if you wish, make it yours.

Today enjoy this #meditationForMothers



It is difficult not to speak of peace today... as you might be receiving from all places constant messages either of fear... or of Love. It is not only today that we have news of terror, pain, tears, suffering... and not only from one place... 
And most of all I am thinking... how do we help our children to read these events...? How do we explain these? What do we choose to highlight?
And because I asked for guidance, I have received it:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things on the news, my mother would say: 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping'".
~ Fred Rogers

Inspiration for the day #ommmmmmamma


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Be at Peace

My best yoga practice? Being at peace, during a tantrum.

Remember, peacefully dealing with these moments children loose their balance does not mean saying "yes" to things you do not wish to agree to. But you can just be there, be available, be loving, be supportive, even saying "no" to your child's request. 
When you struggle with these episodes scan your own feelings. What do you feel? Is there guilt... ? Are you comparing your child to others maybe... Or your own parenting? Are you ashamed or worry about what others around you might be thinking? Is there any Fear... ?
Do you find these inside of you? Address them, heal them, let them go.
I will not judge your strategy to deal with meltdowns and tantrums as we all know how challenging these can be. And I do not have a magic solution myself. But I try.
Things I try to do? I try to be present, to hold space, to offer my lap, my hand, my love. I try to be patient. I try to stay connected, through words or touch (when that is an option). I try to give it time to heal, not ignoring him, not judging what happen, but always (doesn't matter the child's age) explaining my reasons and holding space for my son to explain his.

Remember, a tantrum is like an angry dance, and it's truly a healing process, a way to channel energy and process emotions. And we all know, how harmful these can be when stored inside...

Wishing you love and ease,



Yesterday I was feeling tired, exhausted, depleted, and hopeless.  I was having trouble being patient and was not in the mood to play with my child. My heart was sad, my head heavy, my mind confused.
I have been pushing myself to the limit for some time now and it was all too much to manage. For days I have been saying to myself "I don't have help", but yesterday, only yesterday, I took RESPONSIBILITY to look for help. To BE that help I so needed. 

I went to my sisters (do you keep your "sisters" close to your heart? Do you have a tribe, a sisterhood? a community of mothers or a group of friends you can reach to in time like these?) I asked my gurus, I searched in the guided meditations and the ancient books, I tried the yoga asanas and the Hindu rituals... I pulled cards from my tarot and lighted candles... And the same answer came - REST. I needed rest.
I want to be there for my child, I want to be there all the time and deep inside... I try too hard.
Deep inside... I am afraid I am not enough.
Deep inside... I do not trust the other people in my life to help us, to share the parenting path with me.
Yesterday I trusted. Yesterday I took care of myself. 
And not only yesterday, I am doing it again today (and tomorrow!).

Did you know, tiredness and worry make you vibrate lower (and give space to disease to develop)? Simple as that. The higher vibration you can tune into is the one of joy, celebration, relaxation, Love.

Today take care of yourself, and just like that - vibrate higher.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Light and Darkness

Have these changed since you have become a mother?

Do these words hold different meaning, create new feelings inside, resonate in surprising unique ways now...?

Is your #moonJournal ready? The New Moon is here, this phase is also called the Dark Moon and many times that sums up pretty much how I feel inside... In fact the effects of the Moon might be already taking over your motherhood days... as the energies get more intense sleep patterns often get disturbed, mood swings enhanced... what are your techniques to manage these times? 
For us spending time in Nature, and trusting water for emotional healing are powerful tools.

Share with me, some of your darkness, some of your light... India is celebrating now (11.11) Diwali, the Festival of Lights... Let yourself Be inspired. Bring light to your space, to your life, to your motherhood path.


#diwallinspired #createNewFamilyTraditions #meditationForMothers

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Connecting II

When you are helping your child through an intense emotional time - it can be a cry or a tantrum, but also a loud laugh, a screaming session, an exciting singing - practice not to, not even for a second, care about what others around you might be feeling, thinking, or looking at. 

Focus on what is happening, and eventually, if that is the case, in what you would like to change (or needs to be changed). The sooner you disconnect from "others" expectations the deeper you will connect to your child's needs, and the quicker you will find balance in what you are experiencing right now.
Only this, can instantly, change your days.
Try it. With practice you will certainly master it.


 Grateful for the foto: Sofia Mota

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Today Be Grateful for the child you have.

Only this, accepting all he or she are made of. This, in itself, can instantly perform miracles in the way you relate and how deep you connect.


Friday, November 6, 2015


Now try to bring your mind to the present moment and just relax. 
Only this (oh sounds so easy!).
Meditation for the today - do you, ever, really relax when you are with your child? 

Do you manage to forget about last night's struggles or tomorrow's "to do" lists? Do you really forgive the last tantrum moment and forget the last cry for "no reason"? 
Remember, you child is your master, that is what you gave birth to, and learn with them. See how easily they forgive you, how happily they forget a failure and joyfully try again. How naturally they trust... The present moment. 
So I ask you again, do you really, ever, truly relax, when you are with your child? This question is crucial specially for full time mothers - RELAXING, if not NOW, when? Accept the present moment, engage totally in each activity of your day, this is what a Mindful life is all about.


Laughter II

"Why they always look so serious in Yoga? You make serious face like this, you scare away good energy. To meditate, only you must smile. Smile with face, smile with mind, and good energy will come to you and clean away dirty energy. Even smile in your liver. Practice tonight (...) Not to hurry, not to try too hard. Too serious, you make you sick. You can calling the good energy with a smile."
(From Ketut Liyer, the Balinese healer)
~ Elizabeth Gilbert

