Yesterday I was feeling tired, exhausted, depleted, and hopeless. I was having trouble being patient and was not in the mood to play with my child. My heart was sad, my head heavy, my mind confused.
I have been pushing myself to the limit for some time now and it was all too much to manage. For days I have been saying to myself "I don't have help", but yesterday, only yesterday, I took RESPONSIBILITY to look for help. To BE that help I so needed.
I went to my sisters (do you keep your "sisters" close to your heart? Do you have a tribe, a sisterhood? a community of mothers or a group of friends you can reach to in time like these?) I asked my gurus, I searched in the guided meditations and the ancient books, I tried the yoga asanas and the Hindu rituals... I pulled cards from my tarot and lighted candles... And the same answer came - REST. I needed rest.
I want to be there for my child, I want to be there all the time and deep inside... I try too hard.
Deep inside... I am afraid I am not enough.
Deep inside... I do not trust the other people in my life to help us, to share the parenting path with me.
Yesterday I trusted. Yesterday I took care of myself.
And not only yesterday, I am doing it again today (and tomorrow!).
Did you know, tiredness and worry make you vibrate lower (and give space to disease to develop)? Simple as that. The higher vibration you can tune into is the one of joy, celebration, relaxation, Love.
Today take care of yourself, and just like that - vibrate higher.
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