I watch the children interacting at the playground. Two of them going for the slide, paths crossing, they look each other in the eyes, the boy throws a loud roar, like a lion; the little girl lifts her hand up in a mix of greeting and threat.
Oh the toddler days... I keep finding new needs and also new shapes for energy, for tension, for frustration, for love... And I find that one thing that does work, when energies get loud, strong, unpredictable, is changing activities, and balancing more physical activity with attention to detail.
When we go outside we love to take our shoes off (because it's grounding), and run on the grass to look for flowers (specially in the winter, as they are harder to find), and among the plants and leafs we always find: seeds. I do not hide my enthusiasm "look, it's a sEED!!" as seeds are, indeed, tiny treasures from Mother Nature. So we gather seeds together, and we often display them on the floor, many times attracting other children to do the same. We make seed collections, organized by shape, size or color. We admire each pointy side, we caress the soft centers, we take them home, we offer them to new friends or mail them to faraway places. We are seed lovers, it's a meditation.
And yes, I love the awareness it brings to me, "this tiny seed will be a pine tree one day", I look at my son, he is also... growing tall and strong. I caress is soft center, I accept his pointy sides...
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