Is your child afraid of the dark? Does he suffer from night terrors, does she "see monsters" often and is afraid to turn of the light at night?
Today take some time to sit down with your child and create a "no-monsters light". Buy a lamp for this purpose, or use your imagination, let them be part of the process, and depending on their age, what the fear is about, and the creativity flowing, make any kind of device of light that can keep the fears away.
Keep this special magic light in the bedroom, or make a small one (decorating a torch for instance) that he can carry in his pocket if he is afraid of the bus tunnels, the subway dark areas or the train shadows...
Create a little ritual, a song or just a word that you use when you turn it on, activating the magic! You will be surprised how easy it is for them to integrate this!
These fears are part of their development and some people will just tell you they will grow out of it, simply. But why not use this phase to support them to create their own magical powers?
Aren't those powers the same kind many believe a dream catcher holds? Or a special amulet, an image, a prayer...
And think about it, what do YOU use when you are afraid? Share that with your little one, instead of just repeat a "no reason to be afraid" mantra...
What I mean is that an object (or routine) that can be reassuring for them (and you) will definitely help.
So go, create the "magic flashlight" with them, and share that if we do believe in it, it does, have the magical power to keep away monsters, fears or nightmares.
It is dreamland, ommmmmmammas - whatever we believe works!
The truth is that things DO hold the power we wish to give them. And if this is hard to believe for many of grownups, it's pretty simple for kids :-)
Bring your inner child to this game and... Enjoy!