I can see the sweetness inside my son's heart. I can feel his purity, I can hear the teachings of the ancient wisdom he carries.
My son is connected to the trees and to the oceans. My son can feel my fears and worries even before I can name them myself and he senses the animals and the spirits.
My son is so sweet, caring, thoughtful, so kind.
Just like yours.
Don't get me wrong, my son goes tantrum often, just like any other child his age. Sometimes he kicks, hits, trows things around. Sometimes he gets angry, upset, cranky, it feels almost impossible to manage. It does. He does all of those things. But that is not who he is, I see deeper...
The other day we went shopping with Grandma, and as soon as we get into a market he goes:
- It smells like fish mama. I don't want to go.
- It's ok, we will not go near.
- Mama, we don't eat fish. I don't eat fish, you don't eat fish.
- Yes, we do not eat fish.
- But... Some people eat it. Some friends like it. "Avó" likes it...
- Yes, she does.
My mum buys some fish to cook dinner for herself and guests, #tumtum looks at the fish inside the plastic bag, and he stretches to touch them:
- Don't touch it honey... Let it be there... Your hands will be smelly and you will not like that...
- But I want to give "miminhos" to the fish... They are so sad mama...
Oooooh my sweet baby boy, this is who I get to nurse, hug, and sleep with every day!
I am forever blessed!!
Count your blessings,
Image from Fatima Vargas <3 grateful