Thursday, December 15, 2016


I think children are really the most positive people we can hang out with - I am lucky, I know! - little tumtum wakes up everyday saying 

"It's Sunny! Let's go play!" :-D

Even when it is not sunny... even when it's just too early, too cold, too... crazy to "go play", he doesn't care, it's like his morning mantra. And I have to admit it is a good one. 
He does not give up either, he repeats this line - sometimes to my despair! - until I do get up and go play... 
Oooooh the #tumtumLife

Grateful for the playful images Lieve Tobback Fotografia


Friday, December 2, 2016

Se o filho pede... precisa

Quando uma criança de três anos pede à mãe que a segure no colo, é porque está precisando. 
Se não for mais “adequado” para a idade dela, não importa, pois parece que continua precisando, talvez não tenha tido o suficiente quando era ainda menor. 
Ao longo de toda a infância, ou seja, até os 14 ou 15 anos, as crianças são capazes de pedir aquilo de que precisam. De uma maneira geral, pedem presença, carícias, proximidade com o corpo dos pais, olhar, atenção e dedicação. 
Isso é tudo. 
É muito simples.
Se uma criança de oito anos chora porque não quer ficar sozinha na escola, é o que lhe faz falta. Precisa que alguém de confiança a acompanhe. Talvez ela não tenha sido acompanhada o suficiente no passado.

Ninguém pede uma coisa da qual não precisa.

~ Laura Gutman (Mulheres Visíveis - Mães Invisíveis)

#ommmmmmamma #tumtumLife

Amamentação e Liberdade

"Para dar de mamar, a mãe precisa estar disposta a perder toda a autonomia, liberdade e tempo para ela própria. 
Essa é uma decisão. 
Na medida em que optam por uma modalidade, perdem as vantagens da outra. 
Falando de outra maneira: se a mãe for muito apegada à sua liberdade pessoal, provavelmente a criança terá de se conformar com outros alimentos, porque mãe e filho não encontrarão conforto ou paz na lactância. No entanto, se decidir dar prioridade à
lactância, perderá a liberdade e a vida própria. 
As duas situações, lactância e liberdade, não são compatíveis. 
Ninguém pode determinar o que cada um deve fazer. Mas é de fato importante que saibamos o que ganhamos e o que perdemos em cada escolha. 
~ Laura Gutman (Mulheres Visíveis - Mães Invisíveis)

#ommmmmmamma, três anos e oito meses de amamentação... #tumtumLife

New moon

“With the Nodes involved in the lunation chart, the coming month is a critical one in our evolutionary process.
“We are being compelled, through the emotional uneasiness we feel…This means moving:
* From escapism to participation
* From confusion to detail-orientation
* From self-doubt to self-confidence
* From victimization to focused intention
* From looking to be rescued to taking responsibility for change
* From overwhelm to having strong boundaries
“With Neptune aligned with the South Node, our attachment to these old patterns is dissolving.


Strong willed child

Oh, guardian of a spirited one. I know just what you are experiencing. I know the depths and heights. Don’t let anyone, anyone’s judgement or headshake or tutting, detract you from your path of loving your wild one one in the way they need to be loved.

Let your wild one be exactly who they are. 
~ Lulastic


#tumtumlife #ommmmmmamma

Cards and guidance

We had a super challenging night with #tumtumlife , and this morning I needed guidance... I often reach for a deck to bring me inspiration, from the Mother's Wisdom Deck this was what I got. 
Let's go intuitive reading: what do you see? How these cards speak to you? 



Não há benção maior que uma mãe possa dar a uma filha do que uma confiança na veracidade da sua própria intuição. 

A intuição é transmitida de pai para filho da forma mais simples:

"Tu tens um bom raciocínio. O que achas que está por trás disto tudo?” 

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


O toque...

Ainda não entendemos que o toque de uma mão pode fazer toda a diferença para um outro ser humano; algumas vezes literalmente a diferença entre a vida e a morte.

~ Ashley Montagu (antropólogo)


Monday, October 24, 2016

Healing Tools

#tumtum is down with a cold... big drama for his small world. 

What are your favourite healing tools when your little one is down?
We soak in salt baths with essencial oils (especially eucaliptos and lavender);
We use drops of essencial oils in the pillow at night, add to oil to massage feet/ chest/ back, and boil water with them during the day (house smells wonderful, for the ones that do not have a blocked nose!);
We smudge the house often (with sage);
We play healing mantras non stop (my favourite is Ra Ma Da Sa);
We put half of an onion by the pillow (does it work? Check here for more info, and try it for yourself:;
We give Reiki to each other (yes, I trust he is also healing me!);
We take homeopathic medicines (this book has a great list on those!

And we... basically stay up all night complaining, and watch cartoons all day to forget...

I make this delicious healing tea I learned from an amazing healer in Maputo, made with ginger, cinnamon, lemon and honey (I add turmeric), but tumtum doesn't touch it, well, mama needs to get strong too! Get well soon tumtum!


Your Strong Will

"... Have a strong-willed child? You're lucky! Strong willed children can be a challenge when they’re young, but if sensitively parented, they become terrific teens and young adults. Self-motivated and inner-directed, they go after what they want and are almost impervious to peer pressure. As long as parents resist the impulse to "break their will," strong-willed kids often become leaders..."
~ Aha! Parenting 


O toque da tua mão

Ainda não entendemos que o toque de uma mão pode fazer toda a diferença para um outro ser humano; algumas vezes literalmente a diferença entre a vida e a morte.

~ Ashley Montagu (antropólogo)



Não há benção maior que uma mãe possa dar a uma filha do que uma confiança na veracidade da sua própria intuição. 

A intuição é transmitida de pai para filho da forma mais simples:

"Tu tens um bom raciocínio. O que achas que está por trás disto tudo?” 

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Monday, October 10, 2016

Body, master

"This world is your body. This world is a great school, This world is your silent teacher."
~ Swami Sivananda


Friday, October 7, 2016

Maternidade selvagem

"O selvagem torna todas as mulheres saudáveis. Sem o lado selvagem, a psicologia feminina fica desprovida de sentido (...)
O ato de parir, ou o simples domínio de saber que se é capaz de trazer um ser à vida, cria uma força imensa que catapulta as mulheres para uma dimensão divina. E, extasiadas diante do milagre, tentando reconhecer que fomos nós mesmas que o tornámos possível, nos direcionamos ao que é sublime. É uma experiência mística se nos permitirmos que assim seja. Voltando para o lado primitivo, nada mais animal e selvagem do que o parto em si e tudo que isso envolve. A sensação, a dor, cuidar da cria (...) 

A lactação é a continuação e o desenvolvimento de nossos aspectos mais terrenos, selvagens, diretos, filogenéticos. Para dar de mamar, as mulheres deveriam passar quase todo o tempo nuas, sem largar sua cria, imersas em um tempo fora do tempo, sem intelecto nem elaboração de pensamentos, sem a necessidade de se defender de nada nem de ninguém, mas tão somente abstraídas em um espaço imaginário e invisível aos demais. Dar de mamar é isso. É deixar aflorar nossos recantos mais ancestralmente esquecidos e negados, nossos instintos animais que surgem sem que imaginemos que estavam aninhados em nosso âmago. Dar de mamar é se despojar das mentiras que nos contamos durante toda a vida sobre que somos ou deveríamos ser. É estarmos soltas, poderosas, famintas, como lobas, leõas, tigresas, cangurus ou gatas. Muito semelhante às mamíferas de outras espécies em seu total apego pelas crias, ignorando o resto da comunidade, mas atentas, milimetricamente, às necessidades do recém-nascido. Isto é tudo que se necessita para poder amamentar um filho. Nem métodos, nem horários, nem conselhos, nem relógios, nem cursos (...) 
Apenas permissão para ser o que queremos, fazer o que queremos e nos deixar levar pela loucura do selvagem".



Mama, I want to go to school

I don't work and he doesn't go to school. And I cannot imagine it to be more perfect than this.

We learn all day, but we don't sit to study.

We talk all day, but we don't stand for lectures.

We play all day, but we don't always need a playground...

We cook together, we clean, we go for walks and create projects. We practice yoga somedays, others we watch cartoons. We invite friends for lunch sometimes, others we don't want to be disturbed.

We don't follow routines but we have our favourite habits. We love the Sun and follow the phases of the Moon. We are, I can say this, happy!

(And when I say I don't work... I mean I don't have a job. Cause I never worked this hard in all my life!) 

Soon it might all change... and other sides of the world might come to us... #tumtum is been saying:

  • "Mama, you know I am going to school?"
  • "? You are?!"
  • "I am. With my friends. But I want mama to come, are you coming mama?!"
  • "Of course..."

New #tumtumLife is going... 



(Image by Claudia Correia)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mother's Lulaby

And when I go to sleep I always leave a bit of the outside in. I love to sleep under the moon light in the night, and absolutely love the shadows the Sun brings to me, during the day. Why? Because without a bit of Mother Nature near I don't really feel ready to sleep. 
This is my Mother's lullaby <3 
I am grateful for it 



Woman doesn't need all that physical strength. Woman has basic strength; that's why kundalini is called the mother power. If woman can live righteously to a standard of a pure woman, the Kundalini Yoga will shine through her and not only shine through her but the very touch of her will convert people into that experience. They call it the glow. 
~ Yogi Bhajan


Angels are near

I like to play these little games with #tumtum, every time we see a feather I tell him:

- What is that?
- That's a feather...
- You know when we see one it means Angels are near?
- Hum?
- Yes, angels are near, and we can talk to them, and if we don't feel good we can ask them to help us to feel better. 
- Really...?
- Yes! You want to try?
- Ok... Angels... oh mama you try...
- Ok, I do the talking.

We have done it a few times, and the other day he surprised me, as someone talked of angels he says,
- Oh mama, you answer, you talk to angels all the time!

Ooooh, I do, my sweet tumtum, I do...

(Necklace by Mia Cristal)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lavender magic

Easy & Free tip of the day ~ Fresh Lavender flowers in your pillow

We collect these from a little bush we found on the way from the market.
Lavender has endless benefits for children (helps with sleep, anxiety, headaches...)
And... because we co-sleep... We happily share them also :-D

Lucky #ommmmmmamma, #tumtumLife

Monday, September 26, 2016

We are loved

Look around you now, #ommmmmmamma

All beings want to be loved.

How does it feel, to be loved? 
To be seen, to be heard, to know your existence matters, to be accepted and appreciated.

You need this.
Your child needs this.

Today's yoga practice, let the ones around you know: They are loved.


Tumtum yoga


- While you do yoga, what do your kids do?
- Well... This! :-p #tumtumLife

"Do you know what you have in common, #ommmmmmamma, with the tiniest percentage of human beings who have ever, ever, ever graced the face of the earth? 

You can still walk barefoot. You can still pick flowers. You can still make a difference. 

Life is yummy, 
    ~ The Universe"

Aceitar a Sombra

"... A tendência de todos nós costuma ser rejeitar as partes de sombra que escoam pelos desvãos da alma. Por algum motivo se chama“sombra”. Não é fácil vê-la, nem reconhecê-la, tampouco aceitá-la., a menos que insista em se refletir nos espelhos cristalinos e puros que são os corpos dos filhos pequenos..."

Ainda, o meu novo livro/ mestre... ~ Laura Gutman, "Maternidade e o Encontro com a Própria Sombra"
Desafios #tumtumLife,

What you focus on manifests itself

For some days...

I was not feeling beautiful... But still I put on my prettiest clothes 
I was not feeling loved... But still I repeated to myself "I am loved"
My house did not feel like Home, but still i decorated it with fresh cut flowers 
My heart was not at ease, but still I smiled
My thoughts were not always kind, but still I spoke kind words (I tried my best)
My feelings towards others were not always loving, but still I congratulated, celebrated, hugged and kissed the ones around me
I felt irritable and cranky, but still I looked up at the moon and was grateful for the stars 
My faith was shaken but still I lighted the incense and repeated the mantras
I was not zen, calm, peaceful... But still I sat to meditate 
My body felt stiff and sore, but still I tried yoga

I was not feeling myself, but still I trusted... The time will pass, the balance will come back, the universe and me are One, what I focus on, will manifest itself.

Trust with me,

A mãe e o bebé que chora

"... É uma carta de apresentação frágil: isto é o que sou no fundo de minha alma:
sou este bebê que chora. 

Poderíamos considerar uma vantagem exclusiva das mulheres a possibilidade de desdobrar o corpo físico e espiritual, permitindo que as dificuldades ou as dores pessoais se manifestem com absoluta clareza."

Ainda, o meu novo livro/ mestre... ~ Laura Gutman, "Maternidade e o Encontro com a Própria Sombra"

Desafios #tumtumLife,

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Segue os sintomas

Ainda, o meu novo livro/ mestre... ~ Laura Gutman, "Maternidade e o Encontro com a Própria Sombra"

"Estamos acostumados a rotular as situações nomeando-as de maneira superficial: “chora por capricho”, “apanhou um vírus”, “precisa de limitesl” etc. Claro que as bactérias e os vírus são necessários para realizar a doença, permitindo que a sombra se materialize em algum lugar propício para ser vista e reconhecida. Nesse sentido, cada bebé é uma oportunidade para sua mãe ou figura materna retificar o caminho do conhecimento pessoal. 

Muitas mulheres iniciam, com a experiência da maternidade, um caminho de superação, apoiadas por perguntas fundamentais. 
E muitas outras desperdiçam sem cessar os espelhos multicoloridos que aparecem diante delas neste período, ignorando sua intuição e achando que ficaram loucas, que não podem nem devem sentir este emaranhado de sensações disparatadas.

O bebé é sempre um mestre graças a seu corpo pequeno, que lhe permite maior expansão no campo sensível. Por isso consegue manifestar todas as nossas emoções, sobretudo as que ocultamos de nós mesmas. 
Aquelas que não são apresentáveis socialmente. 
As que desejaríamos esquecer. 
As que pertencem ao passado..."

Desafios #tumtumLife,

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Convidando a Sombra

"... Esta é a tarefa de cada ser humano: atravessar a vida terrena em busca da própria sombra, para levá-la à luz e trilhar sua Vereda de cura. A sombra pessoal é desenvolvida a partir da
~ Laura Gutman, "Maternidade e o Encontro com a Própria Sombra"

Desafios #tumtumLife,

Friends are Home

- We have to go home soon my love 
- But mama, I want to stay, this is friends house, this IS Home! We are home mama... 

#thingsmysonsays #tumtumlife #ommmmmmamma #tumtum ooooooh <3 it was a Perfect Day

How about you, what lessons your little one gave you today?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A minha sombra

Não sei mesmo se é da lua, dos eclipses, dos planetas retrógrados, do calor, mas... #tumtumLife tem sido desafiante, e ontem comecei a ler um livro com o qual me identifiquei tanto que até chorei!

"Anular um sintoma do bebé não deveria jamais ser um objetivo. Pelo contrário. Deveríamos ser capazes de sustentar o sintoma até entender o que está acontecendo e qual é a situação emocional que A MÃE precisa compreender ou atravessar. Parte-se do fato de que, se o bebé o manifesta, é porque faz parte da sombra da mãe. Quer dizer, é independente dos problemas concretos que a mãe atravessa, sejam econômicos, afetivos, emocionais, familiares 
ou psíquicos. 

O bebé manifesta a SOMBRA, aquilo que Não é reconhecido conscientemente pela mãe."

~ Laura Gutman, "Maternidade e o Encontro com a Própria Sombra"


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Your child's sweetness

I can see the sweetness inside my son's heart. I can feel his purity, I can hear the teachings of the ancient wisdom he carries. 
My son is connected to the trees and to the oceans. My son can feel my fears and worries even before I can name them myself and he senses the animals and the spirits.
My son is so sweet, caring, thoughtful, so kind.
Just like yours.

Don't get me wrong, my son goes tantrum often, just like any other child his age. Sometimes he kicks, hits, trows things around. Sometimes he gets angry, upset, cranky, it feels almost impossible to manage. It does. He does all of those things. But that is not who he is, I see deeper...

The other day we went shopping with Grandma, and as soon as we get into a market he goes: 
- It smells like fish mama. I don't want to go.
- It's ok, we will not go near.
- Mama, we don't eat fish. I don't eat fish, you don't eat fish.
- Yes, we do not eat fish.
- But... Some people eat it. Some friends like it. "Avó" likes it...
- Yes, she does.

My mum buys some fish to cook dinner for herself and guests, #tumtum looks at the fish inside the plastic bag, and he stretches to touch them:

- Don't touch it honey... Let it be there... Your hands will be smelly and you will not like that...
- But I want to give "miminhos" to the fish... They are so sad mama...

(Image from Fatima Vargas)

Oooooh my sweet baby boy, this is who I get to nurse, hug, and sleep with every day! 
I am forever blessed!!

Count your blessings,


Image from Fatima Vargas <3 grateful 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Being human

Living those days I am afraid to give the crayons box to my son because I am so in love with the White Walls...
Days that I prefer not to have "little guests" in the house because I fear tumtum tantrums on sharing his toys...

I confess I am often afraid of my son's occasional slapping, of me or others, not of how much it hurts (I know he does not wish to hurt) but of what it creates in me...
This "out of herself", "angry mother" that, deep inside... Is just insecure and wants her child to be perfect - I am dropping that, we are all healing you know?

My son is not perfect.
He is, perfectly imperfect. Just like me.
Just like you.

My son has screaming sessions, and Kicking practice around the furniture, sometimes. My son says "I don't want to breathe out!! No yoga!! Don't be happy! Cause I am sad..." my son complains some days, non stop complaining. It happens.

But I have days like that too, days I prefer coffee to yoga; days I wake up cranky and don't want to smile. Days I feel heavy and get upset for nothing; days I have aches and pains and I want to play the victim; days I don't want to talk, or eat soup, or wear my jacket.

But my life is so much more than that! My son is so much more! And that is why I write here, that's why I want to collect his smiles, his hugs, his laughter.
I want to keep inside of me the hugs he gives other kids sometimes, and the gentle way he loves to talk to taxi drivers
"So they don't get scared and we don't have an accident, I speak gently... Really gen-te-ly... Mister driver... Can we go Avo's house? CASA, casa Avo."


My son? He is like a super hero, I like to think of him as the "super hearts"! He often comes to me, or to his father, just like that, out of the blue, and says 
"I have a heart for you" 
:-) He gives us these imaginary hearts, coming out of his imaginary pocket, full of real love, right on the heart chakra. 
Now that's a superpower! What is your child's?

Think about it... We are all the same.
Are we punishing children for being... Human?


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Make space

Make space for your practice.

Any little corner can be good for this, but it's important to create an area that you keep sacred, for no other use than your yoga, meditation, affirmation practice or spiritual rituals. 
Only this. 
Try to use your yoga mat only for that purpose, do not use it to just sit and talk, or to play (I can't even step on mine without being aware of what it is), and keep a specific pillow for siting meditation, for instance.

Your corner can be simple or elaborate, a whole room or just a little reminder on a shelf. But make some space in your house (and even at your work place) just for this.

For me it works wonders, and my practice can increase 200% - it really does!!

Sounds too much? It works like magic because the space is there, so the intention is more visible, clear, already manifested, I just need to go down to the mat, sit still, (or dance, if that's what the practice is about), it is all more real, accessible, possible. 
This alone gave us this morning's spontaneous yoga practice, me and tumtum, still in pyjamas, just before chai.

Do you have a sacred corner? How does it work for you, #ommmmmmamma?


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Full Moon

Full Moon already shining in the sky, just breathtaking!!

What are your plans to celebrate it?

There are easy, and baby friendly!, ways to connect to the Moon, and they don't have to happen at midnight (thank goddess! I am a mama, I want to be sleeping at midnight!! :-p) just engaging in some activity in nature that is relaxing and helps you to listen to your own body and mind can be very helpful at these times. 

We love creating spontaneous mandalas with little stones we find lying around, this one was yesterday at the playground, my son was very happy to help :-D 
I like to let inspiration flow freely sometimes, and get surprised by the designs that show up; others I like to draw my favourite shapes and symbols, the ones that have always been meaningful to me - the spiral is a constant in my life, and I remember creating and drawing spirals since I was very, very young.

Channel your energy tonight and create something, in the ground or using a notebook.

Maybe you have a baby needing to rest more than usual tonight, or maybe an energetic toddler (the full moon has this effect on #tumtum) either way it is a perfect time to just sit still for some time, soak the full moon light, if possible (don't forget your crystals and stones benefit from this also!) or... one of my favourite things ever, going for a walk by the sea shore (I am here trying to convince tumtum to join me!).

Whatever way you choose, focus on sending an intention to the universe, make it meaningful, and... Magic.

Have a great full moon time, #ommmmmmamma

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Look for balance. 

Even when it feels useless, silly, ridiculous, boring... impossible to achieve (especially then).
Look for it.

Last night (it's been like this for a week or so) #tumtum woke up every hour or so, cranky, needy, wanting my breast and my lap. I am tired. Exhausted. Probably cranky and needy myself, longing for my own Mother's nurturing arms. In need for connection.
I need to connect. To others around me, to my dreams and hopes, to my loved ones...
I need to connect, to feel loved, to let go and just trust, to... find balance... And writing these words, sharing with you, helps me, it is part of my healing process, of my path to find... BALANCE.

What is yours? 

Wishing you balance and ease for today and the upcoming full moon nights.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Trust them to Be

Raising children to be good, to be proper, to be kind, to be smart, to make a difference, to be polite, to be strong, to be successful, to be free, to be...

Today think about it, are you brave enough to just support your child to be... the way he is? Just that.



Breastfeeding is a superpower

- You see? I am better! Mama, I was upset... And sad. But... "Maminhas" just helped me! Tears went inside. You see? I am better!


World breastfeeding week

Today it starts the World Breastfeeding week! 
We mark the date as usual, big boy #tumtum nursing on demand :-) happily and proudly following what we believe in! 
Tomorrow we celebrate 3 years and 5 months of breastfeeding, and we do not forget this pleasurable time was also made of challenges... here are some of them... 

First image is me, frustrated that it took me two hours to put on a sari, and after twenty minutes out... had to come back to the room... :-p 

In the second one I bravely nurse my child at this food stall, I was respected by men while the ladies giggle. 

This is what we believe in! 

Have a great week, #ommmmmmamma S

How lucky am I

Here I am, my baby sleeps, the light and colours in the bedroom... the way his tummy moves, softly, calm.
I breathe deeply. 

I am safe, I am loved. 
I know how lucky I am. 

<3 #tumtumLife #ommmmmmamma

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Like crazy!


- I like "maminhas" like crazy!

#tumtumLife #ommmmmmamma

Friday, July 22, 2016

I am sad also...

What is behind a child that is upset, hits, throws, says unkind words...? 

Ask, investigate, listen, be a detective, the child will give you the answer...

- No! I don't want you to be smiling.
- You don't want me to be smiling...?
- No. I don't want you to be happy, I want you to be sad... (Low voice) cause I am sad also...


"Maminhas" love


- Mama you going swimming pool?
- No, I go to the beach! Wanna come?
- No... I stay with papa.
- Ok, see you later. 
- Mama?
- Yes.
- Let me see "maminhas" (opens my dress) maminhas, I will miss you!!! (Big kisses)

... Oh #tumtumLife, #ommmmmmamma


Na estação ao pé da praia:

- uah!! Senhora não é portuguesa, pois não?
- sou.
- aaaah...? Mas, quantos anos tem ele?
- tem três.
- Ah!? Mas é grande para estar a mamar! aqui em Portugal portuguesas não dão de mamar assim. Lá em cabo verde nós dávamos, até quatro anos de idade, às vezes mais! Mas aqui não... Máximo dois... Isso é bom, assim.
- sim... Eu sei, há algumas pessoas que dão, sabe, nós estamos a aprender com vocês como se faz, estamos a lembrar-nos do que é melhor para eles.
- Ah... Isso sim.. (Sorriso)
