I am a mother.
I can cancel plans because of teething and change meetings after a night of bad dreams.
I postponed work, projects, and a few dreams.
I have changed route, clothes, country... Priorities, because of my son (should I say "thanks to my son"?!)
I had interviews interrupted a dozen times (because of the toy car that broke, the ice cream that melted, the sipping cup that was empty...), and I was LIVE trough Skype calls, breastfeeding.
I have said "no" to dinner out or to programs that do not include my son.
It is my choice.
It is not a shame, a burden, a limitation, a drama... It is a choice. One I am proud of.
I have joined meltdowns and cried together.
I have helped my son as much as he has helped me. To trust, to try again, to share how we feel inside, to process angers and frustrations - we do it together. He helps me, I help him - we are a team.
Why? Because I want to Be a Mother. I choose this path, and I savour every minute, I hug every tantrum, I nourish every need for touch, lap, and mother's milk.
I will continue to book, plan, project and dream... with this team.
I am grateful to all that share the same path, and let me know I am not alone.
Love, love from me, during this New Moon energy times <3